Sustainability Digitalization Bioeconomy
in Agri-Food and Forestry
training Courses
Pact for Skills

Addressing the current and Future skill needs for sustainability, digitalization, and the bio-Economy in agriculture: European skills agenda and Strategy.
FIELDS will rely on previous activities and competences represented in the large consortium to define a sectoral skills strategy. FIELDS project will also rely on two on-going activities, which aim at identifying skills needs and skill gaps in the bio-economy sector and the forestry sector as well as soft skills, sustainability and digitalization.
Have a look to our brochure
The Curricula/courses database complements the information on VET schools, VET providers and other educational providers in general.
Best Practice
The best practices database provides information of successes in the project areas: sustainability, digitalisation, bio-economy, soft-skills, new technologies and training in agriculture, forestry and related sectors (agri-food and forest-based industries).
Funding Opportunities
Partners studied and listed the funding opportunities available to support the skills strategies and the future use of FIELDS’ outputs at regional/national and EU levels.
The projects database provides information on the state of the art of the European projects with reference of agriculture, forest and related sectors (Bio-economy, Digitalisation, Soft skills and Sustainability).
Regulatory Frameworks
The regulatory framework is studied to make sure that the strategy can be implemented locally, to ensure that the results of the project will continue to be used after its completion
The newsletters report the main developments achieved in the project and presented in the dissemination plan as well as through the stakeholders from each partner database.
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